1.0 Frame
The frame shall be A-36 carbon steel single piece on all three sides and designed for vertical mounting. The frame shall be drilled on both sides for channel or thimble mounting. Ribs will be incorporated on the perimeter of the frame. The upper frame shall be a two-piece or slotted design to incorporate the four-sided high temperature-sealing surfaces. The upper frame shall incorporate a housing for the adjustable packing gland. The upper stanchions of the valve frame shall incorporate structural horizontal ribs to prevent deflection during operation and a security cage will be incorporated in the upper frame from the packing gland to the top of the valve.
The valve shall be designed for the following;
2.0 Gate
The gate shall be A-36 carbon steel and incorporate upper lifting eyes for twin actuation. Bolted lifting eyes are not acceptable. The gate shall incorporate a mechanical stop for alignment and actuator connection. The gate shall be polished and smooth in all contact areas of the seating surfaces.
3.0 Seat Backing
The seat backing shall be A-36 carbon steel tapered angle machined surface and shall be installed on both sides and top of the valve. The seats shall be live loading and adjustable and retain the ceramic seal. The three seating surfaces shall be machined to incorporate studs for seat adjustment . The lower seal does not require live loading and shall be bolted to the lower frame and retain the ceramic seal.
4.0 Sealing
Ceramic fiber tape impregnated with inconel wire shall be used in the four-sided sealing mechanism. The seat shall be mechanically retained in the body and shall be field replaceable without removing the valve from the installation
5.0 Packing
The packing shall be braded chevron high temperature Grafoil packing suitable for the specified media and temperature
6.0 Packing Retainer
The packing retainer shall be A-36 carbon steel to retain the packing and fully adjustable. The packing gland shall incorporate a packing plate to accommodate the tadpole seat at the top of the valve.
7.0 Hardware
All internal hardware is to be 316 Stainless Steel. All internal loading hardware is to be inconel
8.0 Guides
The vertical frame shall incorporate piston guides for the three-sided roller bearings to guide the gate. The roller bearings shall be permanently lubricated and mounted to the connecting arm of the gate.
9.0 Coating
The valve shall be coated internally and externally with 3-4 mls of high temperature paint exceeding the maximum temperature of the valve.
10.0 Actuation
All valves shall be operated using twin cylinders mounted to the base of the frame and recessed in the sides. Actuators are to be base mounted to the lower frame and connect to the top of the gate by means of a clevis and pins. The rods will incorporate a safety lockout device for locking in the open or closed position.
The cylinders will be suitable for the external environmental applications of the installation and incorporate wipers and seals in the cylinders.
The actuators shall be designed for modulating control with speed controls and 4-20 ma feedback.
11.0 Tempersonic Probe
The feedback probe shall be mounted to one cylinder and be mounted at the inverted base of the cylinder located on a removable bracket and protection shield from external damage. Operating voltage shall be 24 VDC with a 15G vibration rating
12.0 Cylinder Probe Heat Shield
The probe shall incorporate a heat shield blanket manufactured by Insultech and must be supplied with the gate at the time of delivery. The shield shall be rated for 800degrees F and suitable for hydrocarbons, The shied shall be field replaceable and removable with destroying the shield
13.0 Cylinder Positioner
A linear Positioner shall be provided to be used in conjunction with the Tempersonic probe and the cylinder. The Positioner shall be electro-pneumatic with 4-20 MA input and output signals and include pressure and signal gauges.
The Positioner shall be VAC and the responsibility of the valve manufacture
14.0 Identification
All valves shall be labeled with the customers PO, media, maximum pressure and temperature. A manufactures SO number will be affixed to the valve frame for full traceability to the manufactures assembly and manufacturing drawings.
All valves shall be supplied by Stealth international Inc./ Stealth Valve & Controls Ltd. Model number SVDO-5335
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